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Skin By Mimi's

This handsome gentleman was preening in the early morning sun as I walked past him headed for work. Guys like him make life more enjoyable. I never name chickens or roosters, but I emailed this picture to myself to use here and typed Rio rather than the roo I intended in the subject line. Now he has a name. Scenes like this abound on the farm and help me keep things real.

Real!!! Mimi’s is coming up on end of year reflection. Seeing what customers loved and didn’t. Making choices, doing cost analyses, ordering raw materials and packaging to restore inventory, and generally asking if it is all worth it. THE ANSWER IS YES. I have so many wonderful customers.

Lots of new things were introduced in 2021 and thanks to your willingness to try those Mimi is breezing into 2022.

As we come up on the longest darkness at winter solstice, I hope you can take some time to reflect, too.




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