Good morning everyone. Woke early and felt compelled to continue to create a post most days. I asked myself why and got a headful.
I’m a social/people person thwarted by a pandemic. There was a time when I visited with a significant number of you on Saturday mornings. More and more of you are shifting to shopping with me online. I miss your smiles and chats.
I like answering your questions about what we could do to help you. Not just products! Prayers, good thoughts, suggestions for where to get something, where to eat that’s special, more about fasting, hairstylist suggestions, and the list goes on and on.
So, I sit with you each morning and chat.
This blog is not intended to try and sell you anything. I may tell you what I’m creating, how much I enjoy this or that product, or what I’m cooking for dinner, where I finally found a long robe in a petite size (on my shopping list), or I might even vent about life in general.
Feel free to subscribe below and join the chat.
Thanks and have a fabulous day,